Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Yaah, since this is your day, I'll be seeing a lot of you today. :| *sigh *sniff *sob


A : "jadi, apakah dia juga menyukaimu?"
R : "Itulah masalahnya. Aku tidak tahu."
A : "Kau tidak tahu?"
R : "Aku benar-benar tidak tahu. Kadang-kadang kupikir dia menyukaiku. Kau tahu, ada saatnya ketika dia menatapku, tersenyum padaku, atau ketika dia berbicara kepadaku, kupikir dia menyukaiku. Tapi kemudian aku sadar bahwa dia juga menatap, tersenyum, dan berbicara dengan orang lain seperti itu. Jadi.... yah, aku tak tahu"

Credits for Ilana Tan's Sunshine Becomes You

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Hijab Fashion

I've been obsessed with this lately :)

August wish

- please be nice to me, august
- i cannot stand for another heartbreak
- please I want a great birthday this month
- please don't be in love with someone else, dear you
- please august, Be a great month in my miserable 2012 :')


It's been a while, yaah :') I feels like I've never touched this blog for years (lebay mode : on). Yeah, been hectic with college stuffs, this, and that. Hello again, blogreader :)

Here's things I want you to know about me and my life these months : (as if anyone ask -,-)

1. How's your life?
Seems fine. Kinda happy and sad. Been in a roller-coaster-type of life, and not proud of that. Err, just skip this part..

2. How is your love life?
I think I'll pass.

3. How's school life?
Pretty much not interested in anatomy lately. Really want to skip this semester and fast forward to the third semester :) (yah, practically this semester will end in 5 days from now)

4. How's your 2012 target?
Emm, it's offensive :| (or maybe because I really not in the mood of discussing it)

5. What's the thing that you're obsessed lately?
Hijab fashion! I'm kinda into it :)

6. Any self-note?
- you need to be strong-willed to get and/or to achieve something
- never hanged your dreams too dam high, remember how hurt it can be when you fall
- and to you, please don't make me feel this way