Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012


It's been a while, yaah :') I feels like I've never touched this blog for years (lebay mode : on). Yeah, been hectic with college stuffs, this, and that. Hello again, blogreader :)

Here's things I want you to know about me and my life these months : (as if anyone ask -,-)

1. How's your life?
Seems fine. Kinda happy and sad. Been in a roller-coaster-type of life, and not proud of that. Err, just skip this part..

2. How is your love life?
I think I'll pass.

3. How's school life?
Pretty much not interested in anatomy lately. Really want to skip this semester and fast forward to the third semester :) (yah, practically this semester will end in 5 days from now)

4. How's your 2012 target?
Emm, it's offensive :| (or maybe because I really not in the mood of discussing it)

5. What's the thing that you're obsessed lately?
Hijab fashion! I'm kinda into it :)

6. Any self-note?
- you need to be strong-willed to get and/or to achieve something
- never hanged your dreams too dam high, remember how hurt it can be when you fall
- and to you, please don't make me feel this way

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