Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Di suatu sore..

Di suatu sore, di sebuah ruangan suatu bimbingan belajar bahasa inggris, seorang guru sedang menerangkan materi tentang grammar.
T (Teacher) : *habis ngebahas film pursuit of happyness* "There is no y in happiness."
Us (U) : "It is, mam. Happiness is spelled with "I" in it, not "Y"."
*then she repeated*
T : "There is no y in happiness."
U : *looking at each other silently, confused*
*then she explain*
T : "There is no why in happiness. People are just happy and not questioning about it. They just did."
Simpel sih memang, tapi bermakna. Kebahagiaan itu untuk dirasakan, bukan untuk dipertanyakan. People are just happy. They just did, and they are not questioning about it. :)

Fun Facts : Y dan why itu emang dibacanya sama (aku waktu dulu mungkin terlalu cetek jadinya nggak kepikiran). Dan kadang di US y dipake sebagai bahasa slang untuk kata why.


Tata Moeljosentono

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