Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

So, here I am, away from this galauness :)

Hmm, mungkin post2 terakhirku terdengar (atau lebih tepatnya terbaca) sangat galau. Iya, I'm galauing for the-reconnecting-moment with my past. Dan you know lah, usual me, aku selalu memikirkan berbagai hal. Semisal, aku dalam suatu majelis kebanyakan nanya, aku jadi terlalu mikirin gimana responnya orang2 itu sama caraku mengekspresikan sesuatu. Dan in fact, nobody questioned or even have a problem with that. Haha, obviously -,-. jadi aku tuh mikir kalo pacar tuh mbaca post ku ini yang mengenai mengapa sih past-crush itu baru muncul setelah sekian lama, terus dia ngerespon dengan bikin status facebook yang mengisyaratkan kalo dia itu bener2 upset, sampe terlalu capek buat nangis dan terlalu capek buat sedih. Parah men.. Tapi, again and again, itu cuma prasangkaku sendiri lho sodara sodara..

Well, jadi intinya dia sedih gara2 gurunya waktu SMA, yang dia anggap sebagai protector grup olympiade kimia nya, meninggal gara2 panas. Kasihan bangeet.. But anyway, that's a fact of life that we couldn't avoid.
It's life, you know.. After living for a many years people will eventually die, and we can't do anything about it but to be prepared for it. Yeah, that's life afterall.

Well, yang harus dipelajari saat ini adalah, don't too much minding about what people think. It's stressful you know. It's like being forced to wear a small shoes, even though we have tried so much, it can't be done. Try not to mind anything, and just have a simple life. Whatever we do, and we're comfortable while doing it, do it as much as you can (as long as it doesn't bother others). Enjoy life, and be good with others, folks! Ciao.

Tata Moeljosentono

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